
Preflight: Download the RedisModulesSDK.

A small library of utility functions and macros for module developers, including:

  • Easier argument parsing for your commands.
  • Testing utilities that allow you to wrap your module's tests as a redis command.
  • RedisModuleString utility functions (formatting, comparison, etc)
  • The entire sds string library, lifted from Redis itself.
  • A generic scalable Vector library. Not redis specific but we found it useful.
  • A few other helpful macros and functions.
  • alloc.h, an include file that allows modules implementing data types to implicitly replace the malloc() function family with the Redis special allocation wrappers.

It can be found under the rmutil folder, and compiles into a static library you link your module against.

An example Module

A minimal module implementing a few commands and demonstrating both the Redis Module API, and use of rmutils.

You can treat it as a template for your module, and extend its code and makefile.

It includes 3 commands:

  • EXAMPLE.PARSE - demonstrating rmutil's argument helpers.
  • EXAMPLE.HGETSET - an atomic HGET/HSET command, demonstrating the higher level Redis module API.
  • EXAMPLE.TEST - a unit test of the above commands, demonstrating use of the testing utilities of rmutils.


Read the LibRMUtil API Reference Documentation.

Quick Start Guide

Here's what you need to do to build your first module:

  1. Build Redis in a build supporting modules.
  2. Build librmutil: cd rmutil && make
  3. Build the example module: cd example && make
  4. Run redis loading the module: /path/to/redis-server --loadmodule ./example/

Now run redis-cli and try the commands:> EXAMPLE.HGETSET foo bar baz
(nil)> EXAMPLE.HGETSET foo bar vaz
(integer) 7> EXAMPLE.PARSE PROD 5 2
(integer) 10> EXAMPLE.TEST